Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fucking Toronto pt. 1 (because there will prob be more!)

I have so many thoughts this evening and there are so many I can't wait to talk about when we make our trip across country.

I have to say I really enjoyed having my mom around this week.  She is exhausting for sure, but there is certain level of comfort that comes with having her around that I didn't recognize when I was younger.  I was a little bit hard hearing her say it was too bad things didn't really pan out for me in Toronto.  I know she really wanted me to stay here.  But at the same time I know she understands things here are really done for me.  I am glad she got to meet my friends here, she really liked all of them and spoke of them with a level of respect she doesn't usually use when referring to my friends.  I think you are the only one she really has really held on that level.

I have to say, in many ways this city has really broken me and everytime I really think about it, it makes me sad.  With all of the positives about the city and people I have met here, the negatives seem to be so much more pronounced.  I can't really explain (and probably don't have to) just how disgusted I am with Quark.  The anger I have towards that situation and the people involved in that situation is palpable.  I actually had to tell my mom that I didn't ever want to talk about the place again because it makes me almost blind with rage.  At the same time I have a level of disappointment with myself for not understanding how Kevin felt when he left Quark.  Of course, I had no way of knowing until I was in the same situation, but I should have been more understanding and sympathetic.  I fucking hate that place.
Then there is the Bill situation that just pains me because of who I sooooooo wanted him to be.  I don't have to really say anything about that because we have really talked it to death, but I feel like I fell in love with a guy that doesn't exist, but who's face I can see.  Weird.

I do feel like there was a period of time that I was really happy here.  It was a little over a year ago.  I really felt like I was becoming the person I really wanted to be.   And then before I could hit the breaks, the road disappeared and I didn't know what the hell was gong on.  In an instant I was lost and just have not been able to get back on track.  It disappoints me.

So, now I am on the move again and I am excited for the change.  I think it is going to be very good for me but I also know it is going to take an amazing level of discipline.  It will be too easy to just do nothing.  I will need you pushing me and keeping me on you don't have enough people to keep on task at the moment...Sorry!!!  This is my chance and I NEED to take advantage of it.  I am just ready for it to be done!!!

Anyway... those are some of the things going through my head at the moment.

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